150 g of all purpose flour
Pinch of salt
2 tbsp of water
1. Sieve flour and salt into a mixing bowl.
2. Add in the egg. Mix to form dough, add water if it is too dry.
3. Rest dough for half an hour.
4. Roll out the dough into thin sheet. Cut the dough into thin strips.
5. Blanch the noodle in hot boiling water until noodle is well cook.
6. Transfer noodle into a basin of ice cold water.
7. Drain and mix few drops of olive oil with the noodle to prevent sticking
8. Keep noodle for further use.
The end product! 200 g of freshly prepared noodles. More than enough for him to eat with that
remnant soup.
Cheers and have a nice day. Happy cooking and enjoy eating everyone !
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