Saturday 18 October 2014


Sharing today is frying chicken without using oil. Well one may asks how to use air to fry your food! An air fryer is a fryer that uses hot air to cook the kind of meals that would traditionally be dunked in a lot of hot oil. It uses a grill and a fan to blast very hot air around food at high speeds. The hot air helps to cook the food with minimal amount of oil. It is an excellent fryer for a modern kitchen. Your kitchen won't get oily. Less cleaning for you.



3 whole chicken legs(thigh) without bone.
4 pieces of cream cracker 
100 g of all purpose flour
1 egg
50 ml of milk
3 oranges
1 tsp of grated orange peel
5tbsp of mayonnaise
1 tsp of five spice powder
1 tbsp of garlic powder
3 tbsp of soya sauce


1. Season chicken with seasoning ingredients for half an hour.
2.  Mix beaten egg and milk.
3. Soak chicken in the milk and egg mixture for half an hour.
4. Crush cream cracker until fine and mix with flour. Add in orange peel and mix well.
5. Coat chicken with the flour mixture.
6. Arrange chicken on the basket in the air fryer.
7. Air fry for 25 minutes.
8. For the sauce mix chopped orange with 5tbsp of mayonnaise.
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Soak chicken in the milk and egg mixture for half an hour.

    Cream cracker

Crush with a rolling pin in a plastic bag

    Mix 100g of flour with the crushed cracker

  Add in orange peel

  Coat chicken with the flour mixture

     Arrange chicken on air fryer

   Chicken is ready after 25 minutes

    Hope you like my post today. Happy cooking and enjoy eating.



  1. I have read your. good review. I like ORANGE CHICKEN CHOP. I was not aware of this cooking method. I love the food at all difficult to handle temptation. These foods are good for health.
