3 chicken thigh (deboned)
1 zucchini
1 carrot
Marinate ingredients
2 tbsp curry powder
2 tbsp soya sauce
2 tbsp Lea & Perrin sauce
1 tbsp garlic powder
Dipping sauce
2 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tbsp chopped zucchini
1 tbsp chopped carrot
Honey for glazing
1. Marinate chicken thigh with the marinate ingredients for 3 hours or overnight.
2. Cut zucchini into long strips and julienne the carrot.
3. Place the marinated chicken thigh on chopping board skin facing down. Place some carrot julienne
on the meat and top with zucchini. Roll up the chicken thigh and secure with toothpicks.
4. Place the the rolls in a baking dish.(Brush some oil on the baking dish).
5. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes. Baste with honey half way through the baking time.
6. Prepare the dipping sauce by mixing 2 tbsp of mayonnaise with 1 tbsp of chopped zucchini and
Marinate chicken thigh with the marinate ingredients for 3 hours or overnight.
Cut zucchini into long strips and julienne the carrot.
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Place the marinated chicken thigh on chopping board skin facing down. Place some carrot julienne
on the meat and top with zucchini
Roll up the chicken thigh and secure with toothpicks.
Brush some oil on a baking dish
Bake for 30 minutes
Baste with some honey after 15 minutes of baking
Prepare the sauce
Chopped zucchini and carrot
Stir in 2 tbsp of mayonnaise
The dipping sauce is ready
After 30 minutes.....
Remove toothpick before cutting ...
Decorate in whatever way you want
Serve with dipping sauce or chillie sauce.
Hope you like my post today. Happy cooking and enjoy eating.
From Kim....
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