1 medium size cabbage
1 small carrot
300 g prawns
4 pips of garlic
1tbsp of cooking oil
Rice wine
Soya sauce
Salt to taste
1. Remove core of cabbage. Separate the leaves. Soak and wash the leaves.
2. Choose bigger leaves as wrappers. For these scald in boiling water to soften them. Slice the
remaining leaves.
3. Julienne the carrot. Keep aside.
4. Prepare the prawns. Remove the shell. Devein, wash the prawns and season with rice wine, soya
sauce and pepper according to your taste.
5. Heat up 1tbsp of oil in a wok put in garlic and quickly stir fry the cabbage and carrot. Season with
salt. Dish up.
6. Put 3tbsp of vegetables in the center of cabbage leave top with 8pieces of prawns.. Wrap up.
7. Line rolls in a dish and steam for 5 minutes.
8. Serve with chillies sauce.
I chose bigger leaves as wrappers.
scald in boiling water to soften them.
Lightly fry the vegetables
. Put 3tbsp of vegetables in the center of cabbage leave top with 8pieces of prawns..
Line rolls in a dish and steam for 5 minutes.
The end product
Serve with chillies sauce.
I hope you like my post today. Happy cooking and enjoy your food.
Cheers and have a nice day. ..... From Kim...
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